Why Choose Our After School Activities in Brisbane

Why FRKC is the right choice for your after school activities in Brisbane

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Our Story

In response to the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael swapped city life for six weeks of camping on their regional family farm. 

This experience was life-changing as Michael and his wife watched their young daughters thrive and develop in response to the freedom that comes with unstructured play in the great outdoors. 

This invaluable time highlighted the importance of experiences like these for children.

The idea of Free Range Kids Club (FRKC) was born. 

Kids love getting out there and having fun, while their parents love seeing their kids engaged and their confidence grow. Most parents understandably do not have the time nor the skills to formally organise play-based learning experiences for their kids.

FRKC carefully curates facilitators who offer a wide range of fun-filled and engaging after school activities and school holiday programs in Brisbane and makes them accessible to primary school-aged kids in a range of locations. 

Our Why

Like all parents, at FRKC we want what’s best for our kids.

The environment in which we are raising our children differs to the one we grew up in – screen time is a consistent worry, replacing time once spent engaged outdoors and socialising. 

Research shows the negative effects of passive screen time include:

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